> I took another look at some garbled spam I seem to be picking up
> regularly, which I had mistakenly assumed to be from a Korean source,
> and it looks like Apple's mail app in 10.2.4 is _not_ handling 7-bit JIS
> correctly. More later.

Crud. I have some resume pages that I _know_ are shift JIS (looked at
the byte values with hexdump), but Metrowerks Codewarrior 5 editor is
won't play fair with them. Apparently, the pages I'm working with are
ones which I pulled back off the web (stripping the resource fork) and
edited with something that did not leave a traditional resource fork,
but whatever the Mac OS X file system is using instead of a resource

Haven't had time to pin things down, but Mac OS X's Text Edit utility
and the OS are playing strange guessing games on me, and the result is
that, even with Classic booted and CW 5 set to the Osaka font, what it's
showing me is as if the text were Mac (Latin) 8 bit.

Pages which do not have the incontinuity of going to the web and back
again are showing just fine. And Text Edit, when I save, adds another 8K
to the file, just because I changed the encoding on the save. Four
changes and 900 bytes of text is now 40K.

Whoever convinced the architects for the Mac OS X utilities and OS to
insist on converting the encoding when I just want to change the
interpretation, I'd like to have a little heart-to-heart with.
Converting should be NOT be under the Format menu in the editor in the
dev tools. If "Save As" is not enough, we need another menu. What's
under Format should only change the interpretion of the byte values.

I'll post an update on the interactions in a day or two, unless someone
throws a red flag about topicality. Maybe I'll be a bit more rational,

Joel, muttering Japanese expletives while wandering over to the Mac OS X
bug reporting pages, if they are still there.

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