At 5:40 pm +0900 14/8/03, Joel Rees wrote:

Am I expecting too much, too early?

Not at all.

I pasted your message into TextEdit and saved it as utf-8 on the desktop with the name biao.txt.

This script then behaves as I would expect:

no warnings ;
$f = "$ENV{HOME}/Desktop/biao.txt" ; # file saved as UTF-8
open F, $f or die $! ;
$/ = "\015" ; # only if the file has Mac line endings !!!
print "\x{8868}\n\n"; # prints the character as utf-8
for (<F>) {
  print "1.   $_" if /Ë°®/ ;
  print "2.   $_" if /\xE8\xA1\xA8/ ;

Note that if you write use utf8; it will NOT work


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