> On Thursday, August 14, 2003, at 05:40  pm, Joel Rees wrote:
> > I really wanted to use Japanese ........
> my experiences mirror yours pretty closely
> > Am I expecting too much, too early?
> I always put my lack of success down to my missing something vital in 
> the knowledge department (and getting my hands on "CJKV Information 
> Processing" is proving tougher than I had imagined).

Amazon.com says they have it. I don't see amazon.co.jp up just now. Did
that venture already fold? (I'd imagine there's stiff competition from
Kinokuniya, Asahiya, and Junkudo, not to mention having to compete with
themselves over pricing issues.)

Good information on character processing for non-Latin is hard to come
by. Really isn't surprising, since we're cutting through fairly savage
jungle, here.

> I assume my own 
> ineptitude due to the fact Japanese perlers were doing regex 
> substitutions before 5.8, granted they did most of the groundwork which 
> perl now does for you (thanks Dan).

Well, my personal experience, but it would be well to keep in mind that
Dan is something of an exception. Japanese programmers tend to have even
more trouble understanding that useful data can be extracted from raw
text than native English-speaking programmers. Dan's one of my heros.

(I suspect, Robin, if I knew what you were working on, I'd probably be
counting you as one of my heros, too.)

> > What are you guys doing for these?
> I'm ashamed to admit it but I currently cop out and use English for web 
> pages that will be processed by perl

Don't be ashamed of that. Again, it's just my experience, but most
Japanese programmers fall back to latin and maybe katakana for tags and
just about anything else that has to be recognized by a machine. (The
guys that are doing some computerized analyses of Buddhist and Shinto
texts are really on the bleeding edge. Snakes, large cats, and
who-knows-what-else out there. :-/ )

Joel Rees, programmer, Systems Group
Altech Corporation (Alpsgiken), Osaka, Japan

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