> So I've been put in charge of setting up and
> maintaining our department's new dispatch/switchboard
> computer. In trying to keep it clean and in order, I
> was hoping, if possible, to be able to give users
> read/write access to information in files themselves,
> but to block them from renaming the files or moving
> them.
> I tried giving r-x access to a folder and rwx access
> to the file inside. This lets them open the file and
> prohibits them from moving/renaming it, but prohibits
> them from saving any changes (because they can't write
> to the folder).

That sure isn't the way I understand it. I'll check when I get a chance
whether that's the effect on Mac OS X. Are you trying to use the GUI
File Info interface from Finder, instead of chmod/chown, perhaps?

I've found it handy to set up "dummy" users and "empty" groups. Some
careful thought will often yield the functionality you need. For
instance, the first thing I might try (if I understand your question
correctly) is to set up an empty group called "deptA" with netinfo,
dummy user called "deptA", complete with a file heirarchy under /Users, 

BTW, /etc/groups is ignored after Mac OS X goes multi. You'll need to
add users to groups other than their primary group through the
Netinfo Manager utility. (GUI access in the utilities folder.)

Joel Rees, programmer, Systems Group
Altech Corporation (Alpsgiken), Osaka, Japan

"When software is patentable, anything is patentable." 

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