>As you've said, it should create the file in the same directory, in
>this case the cgi-bin, as the script (which is called write.cgi). I run
>the call the script from the browser and the script runs fine, except,
>no file is created. I added a "|| die ($!)" at the file open call and
>add the CGI::CARP qw(fatalToBowser) at the top and get the following.
>Permission denied at /Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables/write.cgi
>All the permissions for each of these directories are 755. Something is
>a miss. So what can I do?! I'm very confused.

But owned by whom?

By default the directory is owned by root:admin. With apache running
as www:www it won't be able to write to that directory unless you
either change ownership or open the directory wide with 777.

-Charles Albrecht

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