At 10:46 +0100 10/9/03, Alan Fry wrote:
I have a MacPerl script I am trying to transfer from OS9 to OSX.
There are two problems: cron

cron needs to point, with a full path, to an executable, That is, something with the x permission bit set. That can be /usr/bin/perl with arguments pointing to a perl script as text or it can be to the script itself if it begins with a #!/usr/bin/perl line and has been made executable with a chmod. Remember that your .login and other initializations, $PATH in particular, will not be set up for you by cron.

cron can "open" an AppleScript APPL (man open) but if all it is used for is to start up MacPerl you won't need it. Except for GUI things that involve Finder like drag and drop you'll be better off replicating the AppleScript tasks in a shell script. Osascript is available for simple AppleScript-like things from a shell.

and a progress bar.

That's a problem.

I have been writing an extremely lightweight Cocoa utility (10 lines of code about) that displays a dialog box with a barber pole and some message. It isn't quite done yet (I don't like the way it looks). It is intended to be launched by a perl script.

The other utility that might suit your needs is iHook:



James Reynolds
University of Utah
Student Computing Labs

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