Dear Jay - 

>>>>> "Jay" == Jay Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Jay> I was curious if some of you might tell me some of
    Jay> the powerful things Perl can do.

It's not easy to differentiate the capabilities of languages independent
of a given task.  Some of the things I like about perl is that it "does
what I want it to".  That is things the syntax makes sense to me.  Another
key feature is the thousands of already written libraries that are available
so you don't have to reinvent the wheel, or directed-graphs for that matter.

    Jay> Also, is there any way to create a dialog (with an 'ok' and
    Jay> 'cancel' button) using Perl?  Would I have to use TK (I
    Jay> believe that's what it's called) for GUI types of things?


     Yours -      Billy

     William Goedicke     [EMAIL PROTECTED]            

          Lest we forget:

Computing axiom #4

        When it breaks once; ignore it.  When it breaks twice; worry.
        When it breaks the third time; fix it.

                - William Goedicke

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