Configure is generally found in the Perl source distribution. The version of Perl that
comes with Panther builds Tk ok.

Your probably need to do something like ./Configure .... if the perl source directory
is not in your PATH.


On Nov 17, 2003, at 6:14 PM, John Delacour wrote:

At 9:17 pm +0000 17/11/03, John Delacour wrote:
When I install Tk I get the same error with all the tests. If I force-install, then I get the same error im (though with a different path of course) when I try to run a script that calls Tk.

Any hints as to how to fix this?

DIED. FAILED tests 1-96
Failed 96/96 tests, 0.00% okay
t/JP.........................couldn't connect to display ":0" at /Users/jd/.cpan/build/Tk-804.025_beta6/blib/lib/Tk/ line 55.

I now see in the README.darwin


For Tk804.025 to build properly on Mac OS X 10.2 (Jaguar) or 10.3
(Panther), Perl must be built dynamic, rather that the default of
static.  Use a Configure incantation similar to this:

sh Configure -des -Duseshrplib [-Dprefix=/path/to/your/private/perl]

S. Lidie, 2003/10/27

but that gives me

sh-2.05b# Configure -des -Duseshrplib
sh: Configure: command not found

Any ideas?


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