On Mar 5, 2004, at 4:04 AM, John Delacour wrote:

Why is it that when I try to use cpan for the first time after a little while it takes an age for it to contact the sites and get going? I always have to go away and do something else and it might take 5 minutes for cpan to sart doing anything useful.

Two things come to mind - neither is authoritative, so adjust sodium levels accordingly.

The first is, cpan.org is a nonprofit on a limited budget, and ftp.cpan.org is not the fastest server on the planet. It gets hit *hard*.

The second is, I *think* that it tries a non-passive FTP transfer first. If you're behind a firewall - which many of us are these days, with shared broadband connections - that transfer will time out, and then it retries the transfer in passive mode. I think it uses the results of this initial test to establish the default passive setting in Config.pm.


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