At 2:01 pm -0600 23/3/04, Joseph Alotta wrote:

Preview opens them as multiple windows. How can I tell Preview to open them as it does in finder?

You might try something like this and run the resulting script as an osascript or one of the Mac modules:

It needn't be as verbose but it's late and I'm off to bed:

my $dir = "$ENV{HOME}/pictures"; opendir DIR, $dir or die $!; my @files = readdir(DIR); my @filelist; for ( @files) { /\.jpg$/ and push @filelist, "alias \"$_\""; } @filelist = @filelist[4,5]; my $filelist = "{" . (join ", ", @filelist) . "}"; my $script = "tell app \"preview\" to open $filelist"; print $script;

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