Yes - I think you're kind of right, so, if you have the command line as such:
system "open *.pdf";

This would expand to match everything such as: system "open a.pdf b.pdf c.pdf d.pdf";
Each of the items are treated in an Unix shell as separate arguments.

Now, for (heh heh) arguments sake, if we executed the same command as such:

system 'open a.pdf b.df c.df d.pdf';

This would treat the list passed as ONE argument.

This statement would fail: system 'open *.pdf'; since expansion of the wildcard character
would not take effect (due to the syntax).

The key is to write a little shell program which would collect all *.pdf into a list of one
argument passed to the "system open" command.

Now go fish! (parable, sorry!) ;-)

I tried your advice and it still doesn't work. It still opens each file in a separate window.

[Abba:~/oldperlcode] josephal% ./test
[Abba:~/oldperlcode] josephal% cat ./test

system "open /Users/josephalotta/Desktop/Picture1.pdf /Users/josephalotta/Desktop/Picture2.pdf";

[Abba:~/oldperlcode] josephal%


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