On Tue, 27 Apr 2004, Sherm Pendley wrote:

> On Apr 27, 2004, at 2:58 PM, Chris Devers wrote:
> > how many times does the wheel need to be re-invented, ya know? :-)
> I've always thought that an odd expression.

Fair enough :-)

But still, think about it: do we need to make one of these refinements
to the basic design of the wheel every time we want to take a car from
one state to another, or *gasp* drive to another country? Of course not.

And yet here we are tinkering over building software when perfectly good
package management software will not only do this for you on demand, but
they'll even provide you with pre-made versions for your platform. And
still people are out there sanding down their wheels from unhewn blocks
of stone and crafting axles from the last remaining Live Oaks out in the
back yard, with blood, sweat, and absolutely no power tools. For what?

Now if you want to argue over what *color* our wheels should be, or what
people want out of their wheels, that's a different matter entirely...


Chris Devers

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