I have been browsing some Python code from the Image package.
It appears that they offer a variety of scaling algorithms.

Seems like I remember that one of the examples produced
thumbnails and you could control sharpness, brightness, contrast
and color

However I don't think Python does PDF so I guess you could
go big pdf-->big jpg via sips then big jpg -->thumbnail via python

Seems like it might be a hassle ;(  Is this a one-off thingee or
is it part of an application?

I have a simple Tcl/Tk image browser at http://homepage.mac.com/levanj/TclTk
that thumbnails whole directories using select one out of n scaling, it
produces semi passable results.

I have not had the chance to look at ImageMagic seems like there ought to
be a nice perl module(s) that can do a good job...


On May 17, 2004, at 10:03 PM, Rich Morin wrote:

Although sips is working well for me, the JPEG format doesn't seem
to be optimized well for line drawings.  Any opinions as to which
of the supported formats might work better?

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