On Jun 10, 2004, at 7:27 PM, John Horner wrote:

CPAN is running with the older version and reporting that everything's fine, but the scripts are running with the new version and for them, it's not.

That sounds like a PATH issue. Scripts begin with #!/usr/bin/perl, so they use that specific perl. But if you're starting the CPAN shell with 'perl -MCPAN -e shell', then that command will use the first perl to appear in your PATH. And if you're starting the CPAN shell with 'cpan', that script begins with a #! that points to the Perl it was installed with.

Run 'echo $PATH' in a terminal to see what your PATH variable is set to. You could also use 'which perl' to see, well, which perl you're running. You could also run 'which cpan', and take a look at the first line of the script that shows you. And 'perl -v' will give you the Perl version - if that's different than '/usr/bin/perl -v', it's definitely a PATH mix-up.

What would I do, for the sake of argument, if I really wanted to clean up my system and get rid of all traces of Perl 5.8.0 and its installed modules?

5.8.0? Did you follow Apple's old instructions for installing 5.8.0 on Jaguar, by any chance? If so, it's an easy fix - simply delete everything below /Library/Perl *except* for /Library/Perl/5.8.1 and its subdirectories. And if there's a perl binary and/or cpan script in your PATH before the ones in /usr/bin - I suspect there is, if you followed Apple's old directions, in /usr/local/bin - delete them.

I thought installing the latest Dev Tools and Perl 5.8.1 would make everything simple and make everything work but apparently not...

If you wanted simple you chose the wrong profession. ;-)


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