Hi folks,

Despite running 10.3.4 (with perl 5.8.1-RC3), I'm still using perl 5.8.0, which I installed in /usr/local/bin long before I upgraded to Panther. I have a couple of configuration questions about managing the two versions (and no time to re-install dozens of modules against 5.8.1 to dump the older version).

1. how can I get applications (specifically BBEdit's perl support) to use 5.8 rather than the stock 5.8.1? I know that gui apps run in a different environment from the terminal (bash shell) and that the solution has been mentioned before. I just can't seem to lay my hands on it.

2. I've also just installed Fink (excellent!). In experimenting with it, I installed Template Toolkit. It seems that it installed it again 5.8.1 despite my use of the older perl for the fink installation. I would have thought that fink would use the perl that comes first in my path, but apparently not. I've scoured the fink site but find a solution. fink.conf does not include a perl path setting. With the all the fink users/advocate on this list I'm hoping this is an easy one!

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!


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