On 22 Sep 2004, at 19:21, Mark Wheeler wrote:

Imager? I've not heard of that one. Can you give me a bit more info on it? How is is different from ImageMagick?

It's a little more to the point than imagemagick: it will resize, translate and perform basic filters, but it lacks the more esoteric functionality that makes IM so widely useful. It's also, in my experience, a little greedier for memory, but much more straightforward in both installation and interface.

Since my main use of imagemagick was to resize images and translate them into web-suitable formats, Imager is adequate to my needs and much easier to live with. Its installation and documentation are much more orthodox, too. It's useful to be familiar with imagemagick, I think - it crops up all the time - but it isn't necessarily the best tool for a simple job.


I notice that cpan.testers has a fail on darwin for the present version, but it looks like library trouble. I'm using the same version (0.43) without any problems.



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