On Thu, 23 Sep 2004 10:47:27 -0700, Mark Wheeler wrote:
> Yes, I'm sure you are right on all counts, but I'm a glutton for a
> little punishment, I guess. :) Trust me when I say I'm still keeping it
> in mind. I would just like to understand a bit more about what's going
> on under the hood. I like to be creative, but the other side of my
> brain likes a little poking, too.

I'm much more afraid of what installing a pre-made "package" will do to my
system than I am afraid of trying to compile from source.  At least source
is confined to its own little messy directory until I'm confident enough to
run "make install", and at least by then I've chosen exactly where I want
everything to go.

As for ImageMagick, it has, by far, the worst "installation instructions" of
any piece of Unix-ish software I've used.  They're nearly worthless, IMO.
The most important thing to remember when trying to install from source is
that you must first wrestle with the fleet of poorly-specified, hard-to-find
graphics libraries that ImageMagick uses.  Only after getting all of those
installed and working correctly can you start dealing with ImageMagick
itself.  And even then, be vigilant and make sure that ImageMagick is
actually finding the graphics libs that you installed!  It is horrible at
this, and will simply continue after failing to find pretty much any
graphics library.  Watch those lines as they scroll by!

Finally, the worst of the worst is "PerlMagick", the CPAN module that uses
ImageMagick.  It comes with no POD other than a link to the awful, useless
web "documentation", and you you will eventually discover that the perl
stuff is actually intertwined with the "regular" ImageMagick
distribution...which will undoubtedly be a different version than what
you're trying to install as part of some random "here's the Perl ImageMagick
module!" distribution.

In summary, ImageMagick is evil, and building it from source is a pain.  But
it's *still* better than trusting someone else to do it and then allowing
them to spray files all over your disk :)

(IMO :)

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