Sorry if I am prematurely coming to the list. That's the last thing I want to do. I'm learning as I go. And... I just learned some more. When I tried to install perlmagick, it gave me an error, could not find cc or gcc. I did a little looking around and it seems that it can't find a compiler. I have never installed the developer tools, and from what I've read, the default install of OS X (which is what I have) doesn't include a compiler. So I guess I need to install the developer tools. Xcode 1.5 is the latest, so I'll d/l the 1.1 version, install it, then update to 1.5. Then try again. Does that sound right?



On Sep 23, 2004, at 4:20 AM, Chris Devers wrote:

On Thu, 23 Sep 2004, Mark Wheeler wrote:

Ok, I installed fink, no problems.

I used $ sudo apt-get install imagemagick and installed imagemagick - no

I then used $ sudo apt-get install perlmagick-pm581 and got an error,
"couldn't find package perlmagick-pm581", so I'm guessing that is didn't
install because fink couldn't find anything to install.

It meant that there isn't a binary available. That's okay, we can just build it from source instead:

    % fink --help
    Fink 0.22.2

    Usage: fink [options] command [package...]
           fink install pkg1 [pkg2 ...]

    [... etc, snipped. run it yourself to see the options ...]

% fink list | grep -i magick
imagemagick [virtual package]
imagemagick-dev [virtual package]
imagemagick-shlibs [virtual package]
i imagemagick 6.0.8-1 Image manipulation tools
imagemagick-dev 6.0.8-1 Image manipulation tools
imagemagick-nox 6.0.8-1 Image manipulation tools
imagemagick-nox-dev 6.0.8-1 Image manipulation tools
imagemagick-nox-shlibs 6.0.8-1 Image manipulation tools
i imagemagick-shlibs 6.0.8-1 Image manipulation tools
perlmagick-pm581 5.5.6-11 Perl interface to ImageMagick
% sudo fink install perlmagick-pm581

Please consider looking over the documentation for the tools that are
being suggested before coming back to the list at every speed bump that
you hit :-)

So I'm a little at a loss. Do I need to update the installation of ImageMagick
to 6.0.6 then install PerlMagick 6.02 after that?

Stop. Turn around. You were almost there. Finish the way you started.

You've almost got it, and if you had tried `fink --help` or `man fink`,
you may well have been able to figure out the rest on your own.

Chris Devers

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