On Oct 16, 2004, at 3:22 AM, Dave Greenhalgh wrote:

I checked the archives and didn't find a reference to this particular install failure.

ld: can't locate file for: -lbundle1.o
make: *** [blib/arch/auto/DBI/DBI.bundle] Error 1

Check again. There was a thread just two days ago, with a subject of "Answer to missing /usr/lib/bundle1.o". It's hard to imagine a clearer reference to this particular failure.

Two morals to that question. One - a search tends to work better when you correctly spell the search string. My Bad. Two - You don't get forgiven for typos round here!!

Thanks for pointing out the thread. It looks like it will fix my problem.
As I pointed out in the earlier thread - download and install the full Xcode 1.5 package from ADC <http://connect.apple.com>.

One quick question. I am sat in a hotel room a long way from a braodband connection. this is a 300 M download. That's a lot on a dial up at hotel phone rates. Is there a less financially crippling way of just getting the essential files, or do I need the full update to XCode?


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