On 2004.10.4, at 02:29 AM, Doug McNutt wrote:

I'm not so sure about the OT designation.

FORTH is on topic on a perl list? ;-)

Apple's Macintosh Programmer's Workshop (MPW) is the best programming environment I have ever used. BBEdit worksheets are a start but are not nearly as flexible. emacs is another option but it still doesn't approach MPW with its window = file metaphor. MPW allows one to execute a shell command by selecting it and using the ENTER key.

I've always wondered how much MPW was inspired by FORTH.

Output from the command, which can be a named file or an open window, can be redirected to any other open window or to a file.

Let me see. IIRC, trying to run perl as an interactive shell had its limits. But it should not be hard, I suppose, to feed a selection or line from a text editor to an instance of perl.

I'm a little lazy right now. Was SubEthaEdit originally on open source project?

(And did Wren notice BareBone's TextWrangler and decide that didn't go far enough?)

One thought -- Wren, if you're going to go so far as to write YATE, I'd suggest your internal character encoding be a thirty-two bit encoding that uses the full thirty-two bits to allow you to keep track of input encoding on a character-by-character basis. While Unicode support is a must, I would not use it as an internal encoding because of the round-trip problems.

But then I've only wren one text editor, and that was in FORTH, and not very comprehensive.

--> The best programming tool is a soldering iron <--


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