On Nov 17, 2004, at 12:24 PM, Pierre Vaudrey wrote:

I'd just upgraded to OS X 10.3.6 from 10.2.8.
I'd also installed Xcode Tools 1.5.
Could you point me to a document explaining the process to upgrade Perl and CamelBones.

A newer Perl - (5.8.1) is included with Panther. I wouldn't bother upgrading to a newer 5.8.* without a specific reason. Even with a good reason, I'd wait a bit - 5.8.6 is due out in a week or so.

To upgrade CamelBones, re-install the basic "CamelBones" package. You probably don't need the full "CamelBones-Dev" package for an upgrade - although you might want to if you previously did a custom install without the Xcode project templates.

If you already have the latest CamelBones, you can also "upgrade" manually. Both Jaguar & Panther versions of the framework are already installed, and CamelBones.framework is just a symbolic link that points to the correct version. To upgrade, just delete the symbolic link that points to the Jaguar framework, and replace it with one that points to the Panther framework:

sudo rm /Library/Frameworks/CamelBones.framework
sudo ln -s /Library/Frameworks/CamelBones-Panther.framework /Library/Frameworks/CamelBones.framework


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