On Nov 17, 2004, at 12:24 PM, Pierre Vaudrey wrote:
I'd just upgraded to OS X 10.3.6 from 10.2.8.
I'd also installed Xcode Tools 1.5.
Could you point me to a document explaining the process to upgrade Perl and CamelBones.
A newer Perl - (5.8.1) is included with Panther. I wouldn't bother upgrading to a newer 5.8.* without a specific reason. Even with a good reason, I'd wait a bit - 5.8.6 is due out in a week or so.
Hmm. Maybe I am a bit dense, but I was under the impression that one of the CamelBones Packages includes perl 5.8.4 due to 5.8.4 being *recommended* for CamelBones under Panther. Am I wrong?
(Apart from that, a good specific reason would be improved UNICODE support.)
___ Peter Hartmann ________