Thanks for the test, Paul. That is just what is supposed to happen. My system is screwed up somehow. Oh well, maybe when I get my next iMac, after Tiger comes out, I'll have a working Perl system. ;^)



At 12:09 PM +1030 11/23/04, Paul McCann wrote:
 Hi Vic,
         you wrote...

 I've got a ".libnetrc" file in my home directory. It reads
       'nntp_hosts' => [ "" ],
       'smtp_hosts' => [ "" ],
       'pop3_hosts' => [ "", "" ],

I've thrown that file into my home directory as ".libnetrc", and then try to use it with Net::Config via

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use Net::Config qw(%NetConfig); use Data::Dumper::Simple; warn Dumper(%NetConfig);


 And out she comes...

 %NetConfig = (
                'pop3_hosts' => [
                'ftp_firewall' => undef,
                'ph_hosts' => [],
                'time_hosts' => [],
                'inet_domain' => undef,
                'smtp_hosts' => [
                'daytime_hosts' => [],
                'test_exist' => 1,
                'test_hosts' => 1,
                'nntp_hosts' => [
                'snpp_hosts' => [],
                'ftp_ext_passive' => 0,
                'ftp_int_passive' => 0

 I don't know if this is more help than hindrance, but at least it's
 another data point!


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