I have never been able to set up "Net::Config" properly, and, for the life of me, I can't figure out what I am doing wrong.

According to the "Net::Config" manual:
      "Net::Config" holds configuration data for the modules in the
      libnet distribuion. During installation you will be asked for
      these values.

      The configuration data is held globally in a file in the perl
      installation tree, but a user may override any of these values by
      providing their own. This can be done by having a ".libnetrc" file
      in their home directory. This file should return a reference to a
      HASH containing the keys described below.  For example

              nntp_hosts => [ "my_prefered_host" ],
              ph_hosts   => [ "my_ph_server" ],

I've got a ".libnetrc" file in my home directory. It reads
      'nntp_hosts' => [ "news.dacor.net" ],
      'smtp_hosts' => [ "mail.dacor.net" ],
      'pop3_hosts' => [ "mail.dacor.net", "mailstore.bgsu.edu" ],
and the test script
   %mylibnet = %{do "$ENV{HOME}/.libnetrc"};
   for (keys %mylibnet) {
      print "$_ => @{$mylibnet{$_}}\n";
produces just what it should, namely
   smtp_hosts => mail.dacor.net
   pop3_hosts => mail.dacor.net mailstore.bgsu.edu
   nntp_hosts => news.dacor.net

   use Net::Config qw(%NetConfig);
always produces the, more or less empty, hash
   %NetConfig = (
           'ftp_int_passive' => 0,
           'test_exist' => 1,
           'time_hosts' => [],
           'ftp_testhost' => undef,
           'inet_domain' => undef,
           'test_hosts' => 1,
           'nntp_hosts' => [],
           'smtp_hosts' => [],
           'pop3_hosts' => [],
           'snpp_hosts' => [],
           'ph_hosts' => [],
           'daytime_hosts' => [],
contained in "/System/Library/Perl/5.8.1/Net/libnet.cfg".

What am I doing wrong here? At this point "Net::Config" is useless (unless I decide to rewrite "libnet.cfg").

Thanks for any help you can give me!


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