On 4 Dec 2004, at 20:21, Marek Stepanek wrote:

On 04/12/2004 12:57, "William Ross" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 3 Dec 2004, at 21:25, Marek Stepanek wrote:

Please ! Nobody can help me out ? I still get these error messages,
to install LWP :

you are doing this as root, aren't you? only it looks like you might not be...

yes I am doing it as Root from my tcsh shell :

% sudo perl -MCPAN -e "shell"

Oh well. The important bit of your error message is this:

mkdir ?~name: Invalid argument

and if File::Path::mkpath() (which calls mkdir here) has superuser permission then it must be getting bad instructions. It would be useful to see the output you get if you put this immediately before line 112 in /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.5/ExtUtils/Install.pm:

warn "* installing $source_dir_or_file to $from_to{$source_dir_or_file}\n";
warn "* mkpath($targetdir)\n";

after trying the variations that Sherm suggested, that is. They'll help you to pin down where the (probable) configuration glitch is and might make all this unnecessary.



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