On Wed, Dec 08, 2004 at 11:55:57PM -0800, Mark Wheeler wrote:
> Hi,
> Well, I'm about to take the plunge and begin to learn MySQL. I have 
> Apache and Perl all running great (stock installs), but I'm not sure 
> how to get started with installing MySQL. I guess what I'm asking is, 
> can some one share some good links/pointers on installing MySQL. As 
> well, links on USING MySQL with Perl. I'm not planning on doing any 
> huge things with multiple databases, just some basic info to be stored 
> and then searched through when needed.
> I could do what I need in a flat file DB, but want to learn how to use 
> MySQL.
> Any pointers anyone could give would be greatly appreciated.

well, for using Perl there's dbi.perl.org which explains how Perl
talks to databases; the book mentioned on their home page (Programming
the Perl DBI) is also quite good if you want to learn more.

To talk to MySQL you need to know about the driver DBD::mysql:

I find the documentation on mysql.com a good source on the installation
and configuration of MySQL and I liked the book by Michael Kofler - though
I read the originial (German) version of the book and don't know how
good the translation is.



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