Hi Sherm,

Thanks for the advice. I am using the standard Perl install, so I will go with fink.



On Dec 11, 2004, at 12:12 AM, Sherm Pendley wrote:

On Dec 9, 2004, at 2:49 PM, Mark Wheeler wrote:

1. First, I'll check the archives on installing DBD::mysql. Then I'll actually install MySQL using Sherm's link. One question regarding that. Which would be the best to install? There are three versions - Standard, Max, and Debug. I'm presuming Standard or Max.

I've never needed "Max" - but I install it anyway, thinking it would be better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.

2. After that is installed, I'm leaning (without having looked at the archives, yet) toward using fink to install DBD::mysql. I installed Image/PerlMagick with fink and that went fine, so I thought I'd try it again with DBD::mysql.

It depends on your system. If you use the standard Apple-supplied Perl and have no plans to upgrade to another Perl, you should be just fine using Fink to install your modules.

On the other paw, Fink-installed modules can cause you pain if you're using one or more user-installed Perls. Fink adds its Perl library path to the PERL5LIB environment variable, which means that all the Perls you've installed will look there. But in the case of XS modules (including DBD::mysql), not all of your Perls will be compatible with the Fink-installed modules.

However, on CPAN there are two different versions. DBD::mysql and Bundle::DBD::mysql. The bundle looks tempting, but is all that is installed necessary?

It doesn't really look all that useful, IMNSHO. There's only four modules in the bundle; two of them (DBI, DBD::mysql) would be installed via Fink, if you go that route, and one (Mysql) is obsolete. The one module that's left (Data::ShowTable) could just as well be installed alone, without the bundle.


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