Hey Folks,

I'm new to the list.  I just subscribed last week.  I've finally decided
to release my iTunes shell that I have been playing around with for
a while.  You can find out about it here:


Basically it is the Xmms-Perl shell that DougM put together a few
years ago. I've replaced the xmms libs with the iTunes Mac::Glue
module. Its still pretty alpha, but I've gotten it to do a lot of the stuff
I need it to do on a day to day basis.

Before I get into one of the technical problems I'm having, I'd first like
to say that I'm very new to apple events and my perl skills are just ok.
One of the biggest issues I'm having right now is querying the Library
by the database_id:

        my $track = $remote->obj(
                tracks   => whose(database_id => equals => $args),
                playlist => 1

This actions seems to take forever (30+seconds).  Is there a better way
to get the track from id?

I welcome all criticisms and suggestions for the shell. You can find out
about my motivations by reading the FAQ.

Thanks for all the help I've gotten by just searching the archives, especially
to Chris Nandor.


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