> One of the biggest issues I'm having right now is querying the Library
> by the database_id:
>          my $track = $remote->obj(
>                  tracks   => whose(database_id => equals => $args),
>                  playlist => 1
>          );
> This actions seems to take forever (30+seconds).  Is there a better way
> to get the track from id?

i've run into this same issue, and i've found that different things affect
the response time. like is iTunes the frontmost app? faster if not. are
there other apps running? it seems trivial to query, but if there's even a
30% cpu load it seems to double or triple the response time. for anything
other than playing a specific track i find it faster to do some basic
searching through the 42MB xml file i've got. don't build a tree of course,
just line by line regexes.

- brian

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