On Thu, 10 Mar 2005, Ted Zeng wrote:

> It looks like I will need mod_perl. mod_perl makes me nervous. Last 
> time I touched it, I could not make it work on Windows. The worst 
> experience I had with Apache on Windows. Now, I just realized that I 
> might need it because Axkit depends on it. Randal said that it is 
> installed in OS X. I hope this is the case. I will do some search on 
> this.

There's little to research.

If you look in /etc/httpd/httpd.conf, you should see these lines, mixed 
in with the other LoadModule and AddModule statements:

    #LoadModule perl_module        libexec/httpd/libperl.so

    #AddModule mod_perl.c

Uncomment them and you now have a mod_perl enabled Apache:

    LoadModule perl_module        libexec/httpd/libperl.so

    AddModule mod_perl.c

The mod_perl on OSX is, for the most part, exactly the same as it is on 
other versions of Unix: it can be flaky & fiddly, and there's a lot to 
learn, but getting up & running with it on Unix (including OSX) is a 
*lot* less painful than it would be on the Windows version of Apache.

Or at least, that has been my experience. 

Chris Devers

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