The latest release of ShuX, 3.0.beta2, is available for download at:
< download>

What is ShuX?

ShuX is a Cocoa-based Mac OS X update to the MacPerl Shuck tool. Naturally, if you've never used MacPerl or Shuck, that's not extraordinarily helpful to know. :-)

ShuX (and Shuck) is a POD reader. POD is Perl's "plain old documentation" format. All of the documentation that ships with Perl - and there is a LOT of it - is delivered in POD format. The docs for a module are written in POD format, and embedded within the module's .pm file.

What's new in beta2?

Two major crashing bugs have been fixed:

    Running ShuX from a location with a space in the path name no longer
    causes a crash.

Adding a DocSet by running a perl to get its configuration info will no
longer cause a crash if the target perl hasn't been configured with one
of the requested paths.

A number of things have been added and/or changed:

An "Introduction to ShuX" document is displayed at startup by default.

    An interface to type a full or partial POD name to select it in the
    browser has been added.

    The interface for selecting a perl to use when adding a new DocSet
    has been overhauled.

    Several new options have been added to the Preferences panel.

    The menus have been cleaned up, with several menu items that aren't
    relevant to a read-only document viewer removed.

    Some minor display glitches have been corrected.

What new additions are planned for the beta3 release?

A "shux" command-line tool, written and contributed by Alex Robinson.

    Active hyperlinks in document windows.

    A "history" function in the Browser window.

    An "Open POD" item in the Services menu.


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