Thanks - I see it in the docs.

I don't see the need to avoid using the shell as I am running this in the shell and the are no non alphanumberic content (I stripped them out with regex) and this is not a web app. But it looks interesting - I'll look at it some more.

Larry Furnival Manager Instructional Media Lab Academic Computing Services/Computing Information Services Teachers College, Columbia University On Apr 14, 2005, at 1:45 PM, Jeremy Mates wrote:

* Lawrence Furnival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Here is I am in a loop through multi lines from the copied from the
clipboard and being feed back one line at a time to the clipboard:

system "printf \"$_\" | pbcopy";

Whoa there! The above may allow a nefarious user to run arbitrary shell commands:

  #!/usr/bin/perl -w
  use strict;

  while (<DATA>) {
    system qq{printf "$_" | pbcopy};

  asdf"; touch /tmp/gotcha

With a piped open, there is no security risk, as the shell is not

  #!/usr/bin/perl -w
  use strict;

  while (<DATA>) {
    open PBCOPY, "|-" or exec 'pbcopy' or die "nuts: errno=$!\n";
    print PBCOPY;
    close PBCOPY;

  asdf"; touch /tmp/gotcha

For more information on piped opens and security, consult:

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