Hi all:

I have a typical mail cgi script written in perl and can't figure out why I don`t get an error when the message is not sent.

My script does the typical:

open (MAIL, "|/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i -F'$from_name' - f'$from_mail'") or die "can't open sendmail: $!";
<- etc ->
close MAIL or die "can't close sendmail: $!";

The problem is that it does not die even though the message is not sent.

I've tried checking $? (child error) but nothing (it is '0').

I have read the sendmail and postfix man pages to no avail.

I've also tried Mail::Mailer, Mail::Send, MIME::Lite and other modules, but the problem is still the same: I don't get an error even though mail is not sent.

BTW: I know that mail is not sent because I'm checking the result in Console.app.

What is it that I'm missing? Is there another way of checking for sendmail's success from your script?

Thanks in advance,

Riccardo Perotti

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