On Jan 18, 2006, at 4:49 PM, Brian McKee wrote:

On 18/01/06, Riccardo Perotti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all:

I have a typical mail cgi script written in perl and can't figure out
why I don`t get an error when the message is not sent.

My script does the typical:

open (MAIL, "|/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i -F'$from_name' -
f'$from_mail'") or die "can't open sendmail: $!";
<- etc ->
close MAIL or die "can't close sendmail: $!";

The problem is that it does not die even though the message is not sent.

I've tried checking $? (child error) but nothing (it is '0').

I have read the sendmail and postfix man pages to no avail.

maybe helpful info in /var/log/mail.log ?

Thank you brian:
By checking /var/log/mail.log (from Console.app) I know that the mail failed to be sent, but my perl script doesn't catch this, which is my problem.


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