At 8:10 -0500 2006.06.23, Ken Williams wrote:
>On Jun 19, 2006, at 9:40 PM, Paul McCann wrote:
>> Hi Chris,
>>> Go play with it, if you have an Intel Mac.  Let me know if you find
>>> anything wrong, and let me know soon, since I have less than a
>>> week left
>>> with this Intel Mac.
>> The module (Mac-Carbon-0.75) was fine through "make" on my intel
>> Mac (modulo all the "deprecated" warnings of course, which I
>> imagine should be ignored).
>> However "make test" failed  with the following problem:
>> AppleEvents/t/desc.............NOK 2#   Failed test 'require '"$Bin/
>> #   in AppleEvents/t/desc.t at line 11.
>> #     Tried to require ''"$Bin/"''.
>> #     Error:  Can't locate "$Bin/" in @INC
>Chris: it's not interpolating the $Bin variable and the quotes are
>literal quotes too.

But the problem was: why did it work on *my* computer?

Turns out to be a combination of my typo, and an old version of Test::More.
First, I reversed the quotes.  I initially had:

        require "$Bin/";

I changed that to:


That would have worked (I now know) on a newer Test::More, but it did not
work on mine, so I changed it to:


I meant to put the single quotes inside the double quotes, but I didn't
notice because ... it worked!  The reason why is because Test::More changes
that to:

        eval <<EOT;
package main;
require "\$Bin/";

So then $Bin is evaluated in its proper context.  Neat.

Anyway, rather than making people upgrade their Test::More for this one
test, I reverted it back to a plain require() for 0.76, which is on your
CPAN shelves now.

Chris Nandor                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Open Source Technology Group       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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