At 21:37 +0100 2006.08.10, John Delacour wrote:
>Ah!  That sounds terrific.  I guessed there must be some way to build
>the glue, as in Frontier.

Yeah, I borrowed a bunch of ideas from Frontier.

>The only problem is that I get
>         sudo: gluemac: command not found
>         Eremita:~ jd$ man gluemac
>         No manual entry for gluemac
>         Eremita:~ jd$
>so how do I get that working?  All my Mac::Carbon etc. stuff is fully
>up to date so far as I know.

If you are using the Mac::Carbon that comes with Tiger, then it is in
/System/Library/Perl/Extras/bin/.  If you installed it from the CPAN, then
... I dunno, it probably should be in your path.  It wouldn't hurt to
install latest Mac::Glue (and Mac::Carbon too), if you are using the one
that shipped with Tiger (esp. if you have an Intel Mac, since the one that
shipped doesn't work!).

Chris Nandor                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Open Source Technology Group       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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