I am not quite sure how you mean to verify this.

I ran a complex Perl program that take over 20 seconds and perform you script every 5 seconds.

pwbk2003:~ root# ps auxww|grep '[p]erl'
pwbk2003:~ root# ps auxww|grep '[p]erl'
qstatus    329  78.4  3.0    56560  31660  ??  R     9:12AM   0:01.17 /usr/bin/perl -w /Logiqwest/ApacheWeb/q-statusSolaris/q-statusSolaris/CGI/selectPatchdiag.cgi
pwbk2003:~ root# ps auxww|grep '[p]erl'
qstatus    329  86.7  3.4    59848  35196  ??  R     9:12AM   0:07.01 /usr/bin/perl -w /Logiqwest/ApacheWeb/q-statusSolaris/q-statusSolaris/CGI/selectPatchdiag.cgi
pwbk2003:~ root# ps auxww|grep '[p]erl'
qstatus    329  82.9  3.4    59848  35196  ??  R     9:12AM   0:12.70 /usr/bin/perl -w /Logiqwest/ApacheWeb/q-statusSolaris/q-statusSolaris/CGI/selectPatchdiag.cgi
pwbk2003:~ root# ps auxww|grep '[p]erl'
qstatus    329  91.3  3.4    59848  35196  ??  R     9:12AM   0:18.64 /usr/bin/perl -w /Logiqwest/ApacheWeb/q-statusSolaris/q-statusSolaris/CGI/selectPatchdiag.cgi
pwbk2003:~ root# ps auxww|grep '[p]erl'
qstatus    329  86.0  3.4    59848  35196  ??  R     9:12AM   0:22.38 /usr/bin/perl -w /Logiqwest/ApacheWeb/q-statusSolaris/q-statusSolaris/CGI/selectPatchdiag.cgi
pwbk2003:~ root# ps auxww|grep '[p]erl'
pwbk2003:~ root#


If your script is the problem, I will need the script.

Ken Williams wrote:

For months I've been trying to figure out what's causing some perl  zombie processes on my system.  Looks like it might be the script  menu.  I have a script menu item called "tunnels.pl" that establishes  some SSH tunnels, and it works fine.  But after I run it, I see this:

% ps auxww|grep '[p]erl'
ken      14697   0.0  0.0        0      0  ??  Z    31Dec69   0:00.00  (perl)

Its parent process is 1982, which is /System/Library/CoreServices/ SystemUIServer.app/Contents/MacOS/S
ystemUIServer -psn_0_786433 .

Can other people confirm this?  Any known bug covering this or  something (not sure where to look)?



Michael Barto
Software Architect

LogiQwest Circle
LogiQwest Inc.
16458 Bolsa Chica Street, # 15
Huntington Beach, CA  92649

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Fax: 714 840 3937
Cell: 714 883 1949

'tis a gift to be simple
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