PPC Mac Mini, Mac OS X 10.4.8, I'm following along in README.macosx and I've done this:

export SDK=/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk

and I call

./Configure -Accflags="-nostdinc -b$SDK/user/include/gcc -B$SDK/usr/ lib/gcc -isystem$SDK/usr/include -F$SDK/System/Library/Frameworks" - Aldflags="-W1,-syslibroot,$SDK"

as suggested. I take defaults until it checks the compiler. Here's the what happens there:

Use which C compiler? [cc]
powerpc-apple-darwin8-gcc-4.0.1: '-b' must come at the start of the command line
Uh-oh, the C compiler 'cc' doesn't seem to be working.
powerpc-apple-darwin8-gcc-4.0.1: '-b' must come at the start of the command line
Uh-oh, the C compiler 'cc' doesn't seem to be working.
You need to find a working C compiler.
Either (purchase and) install the C compiler supplied by your OS vendor,
or for a free C compiler try http://gcc.gnu.org/
I cannot continue any further, aborting.

The README indicates that the parameters are useful for making perl aware of the SDK, as I understand it, so I'm going to try this without parameters.

But I thought I'd go ahead and ask if anyone can confirm that these parameters aren't necessary if I'm not making the parallel install aware of the sdk, or if anyone can give me a hint about what I'm doing. (I've never used such parameters when compiling perl in the past, haven't done an install in a year or so.)

There is a possibility I erased part of the SDK when I was intending to move an alias to XCode into the applications folder and forgot that the actual bundle moves when users that can modify the applications folder (admin users) drag and drop wtihout the option key.

Also, the notes in README.macosx seem to indicate that shared libraries and threads are now functional. Anyone on the list here using them with (parallel installs of) apache 2 and mod_perl?

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