Hi MacOSX perl users;(i'm new to this list)

Some background:
I'm running a perl script as a cron job on OSX Server 10.5.4 (as admin),
which is also running Final Cut Server.  The script is polling a SQL Server
database from another system we use, and subsequently creating directories
and files on another linux storage device.  Final Cut Server is already
mounting the linux storage device, as it is scanning its directories for
video files.  Therefore, my script is using the locally mounted path to
access the device and create directories and files, "/Volumes/mydir".  The
linux storage device is being connected to by Final Cut Server as

Now the problem:
The script is creating the folders on the linux storage with permissions
"drwx--S--"  and the files underneath are inheriting the same permissions,
with the same local user and group as the owner that is used by Final Cut
Server to connect.  I have tried manually creating these folders directly
from the linux machine (as the same local user) and do not receive the same
issue.  I have tried using a "chmod -R 777 /vol1/mydir" in my perl script.
 I have also tried using the "mkdir ("/vol1/mydir", 0777)", neither of these
commands have any effect.

So, is this a problem with Perl connecting through afp?  Or does anyone
think that this is a not a perl issue and strictly a OSX to Linux as AFP
issue?  Any other thoughts?

Thanks in advance!

Alex Medina~

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