At 18:16 +0200 08/06/2011, Marek Stepanek wrote:

On 08.06.2011 18:03, Melton Low wrote:
xCode 4 should have been included with your new Mac.  Check in the
Optional Application install disc.

XCode 4 is only for bleeding-edge developers.

Not here in Germany :-( In old times there was XCode on the optional installer DVD. Now there are only toys: iDVD, Sound & Jingles, iPhoto ... That's all, what Apple offers as extra for a 2600 Euro computer ...

XCode 3.2.6 should be on the disks and is all you need. On the main install disk I got with the Mac Mini in January there is a folder "Optional Installs" with the XCode package in it. I have a feeling Sofware Update has updated it since I first installed it.

If it's not on the disk you can get it free from <> provided you are a member -- and this grade of membership is free.

Good luck.


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