On Thu, Apr 05, 2007 at 12:54:33PM -0700, Blair Zajac wrote:
> The scala tarball doesn't extract into a new subdirectory and instead 
> just extracts into the directory where you run tar, i.e. a tarbomb.  So 
> in work/, you see a bin/ and a share/ directory.
> Is there an easy, clean way to deal with this in MacPorts?  I looked at 
> specifying some extract options, but I didn't see anything.  I tried 
> passing the ${distname} to tar -C's option to create the subdirectory, 
> but this doesn't work, since the directory to put it in doesn't exist yet.
> It looks like another way is to hack it into configure to move the 
> directories down a level, but this doesn't seem clean.

        The netcat port handles this problem with:

pre-extract     { system "mkdir -p ${worksrcpath}" }
extract.dir     ${worksrcpath}


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