On Feb 12, 2008, at 02:24, William Siegrist wrote:

On Feb 11, 2008, at 11:56 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

Thanks to William Siegrist for setting up the automated port lint and email following each commit! Now here's some thoughts about some problems and how they could be dealt with.

* I'm worried what will happen when someone does a batch cleanup operation affecting dozens or hundreds of portfiles in a single commit. (We've had this situation in r33441, r30218, r28561, r22478, r19376, etc.) I don't want this to fire off dozens or hundreds of lint emails. A thought here is that if a single commit affects, say, more than 5 portfiles, no lint report is run and no emails are sent. Or, just one email could be sent to the committer, letting them know why lint was not run.

* The subject line of the lint emails reads "[MacPorts Lint] Portfile Lint Errors for: <port>". Not all information returned by lint is an error though; some of it is just warnings. There's also a lot of words up front there in the subject that I don't need. I would change the subject to "[<rev>] <port> lint report"

* Possibly obsoleting both of the above observations, what would people think about appending the port lint report to the diff email that's already generated and sent to macports-changes? I'm not sure if this is the best idea, or even possible with the diff email script we use, but the idea occurred to me so I thought I'd see what others think.

I can work on the first two points sometime this week probably. The script is in the repo also, so I'll take patches of course if someone wants something specific/quicker.

Attached should be a patch for my point #2 above. I didn't test it but it seems simple enough.

On the 3rd point, the email/diff script is a 3rd-party perl module, so this would be more work.

We're using svnnotify. I see from "svnnotify --help" that it has an option "--footer" to specify the text of a footer to append to the email. Maybe that would work?

This does bring up the point I asked before (though maybe just to the MP management), do we want lint emails to go to one of the mailing lists instead of just the maintainers?

I remember you sending me that question, and me not responding; sorry! I initially thought we shouldn't spam any of the mailing lists. Appending the lint report to the existing diff mail, though, might make sense. Then again, it might not, since the warnings and errors reported by lint may or may not have resulted from that commit. Also, it's possible (maybe even likely) that the maintainer is not subscribed to macports-changes and thus wouldn't see the lint report. However, if the maintainer doesn't care enough to be on macports-changes, maybe they don't care to see the lint reports either. Maybe it's primarily the committer who should see the lint report, and all committers are hopefully subscribed to macports-changes.

Attachment: portfile_lint.pl.diff
Description: Binary data

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