On Feb 16, 2008, at 05:41, David Bruce wrote:

> I'm the upstream maintainer of tuxmath, and I also want to add it  
> to MacPorts
> and become the port maintainer for it.  So, regarding checksums, I  
> take it
> that it would be best (from the point of view of MacPorts, and  
> probably
> anyone else who cares to verify that they are getting unaltered  
> source) to
> generate all three hashes and provide them at the tuxmath download  
> site?
> I'm just learning, but it seems the port process involves three  
> things:
> 1. writing a working Portfile.
> 2. adapting the source, if needed, to get it to build properly  
> under the port
> system.  Since I'll be both port maintainer and upstream, I don't  
> think this
> will need to involve patches.
> 3. making the download site play nicely with MacPorts, which could  
> be things
> like providing the three checksums and making it possible for ports  
> to check
> if a new version has been released.
> I submitted a trac ticket with the first draft Portfile (#14279),  
> and it still
> seems to be in limbo.  Is there something else I'm supposed to be  
> doing?  I
> really would like to contribute to this project.

Rainer has commented on your ticket so once you review those changes  
I imagine he'll commit it.

I saw your earlier message but did not have time to deal with it.  
Sometimes we're just short on time and tickets get forgotten.

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