On Mar 26, 2008, at 12:13 AM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

Patchfile naming: The old guide was contradictory, and in one place,
recommended the naming scheme "patch-*" while in another place it
recommended "patch-*.diff". The new guide is now consistent in
recommending "patch-*.diff".

The original documentation (which I wrote) was originally consistent with the FreeBSD
patch specification:

We then adopted the semantic of patch-foobar.diff, where 'foobar' was a feature that covered many files -- this was due to the headache of patch-per-file for a sizable set
of diffs.

I don't actually think it matters what name you use, as long as it makes sense.

As I have explained over and over on this list, I prefer this because my
editor can then syntax-highlight
diff files like diff files, instead of like whatever the underlying
file type is, which would be an error, because, e.g., the difference
of two C files IS NOT a C file; it is a difference file and should be
treated as such. Mac OS X cannot assign applications based on file
prefixes. It can only assign applications based on file extensions.
Therefore diff files must have a unique extension, as should all
other types of files.

I don't want to get e-mailed when I name a patch that makes *your* editor
unhappy when you double-click a file. The e-mail should be saved for
something that's actually an error.

Trailing whitespace: trailing whitespace after a backslash causes an
error (the line is not continued as expected). Such whitespace must
not exist. I'm not sure if there are other trailing whitespace issues
that were being caught by this check. If not, the check could be
reduced to catching trailing whitespace following a backslash.

My original newline complaint was:
        Warning: Line 2 should be a newline (after RCS tag)

        # $Id: Portfile 35353 2008-03-25 18:13:44Z [EMAIL PROTECTED] $
        PortSystem      1.0

Why does that matter? These "your contribution is in error!" mails are soul draining. It makes one feel as if you've stumbled into the Department of Motor Vehicles and
forgot registration form B.5.


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