
On 14 mai 08, at 08:08, Andrea D'Amore wrote:

What about splitting it up into several ports and make octave-forge depend on all those? This will only work as long as dependencies between these sub-ports can be maintained, otherwise this tends to break...

I had a look to debian octave packages and they have switched to single package modules too (maybe accordingly to change in single octave-forge package), this has the obvious advantage of semplicity and dependency control. I think we should have this approach.

I think this might be the best approach. I have tried compiling and installing several octave-forge packages recently, and the success rate is quite random ; this means having one big monolithic port might be inadequate and very difficult to maintain. Maintaining many separate Portfiles may be more complicated to manage, but will ensure that more octave-forge modules have better availability (instead of all of them being broken because of one module on one configuration for instance), and will make it easier for users to only install modules that they use.

Would it be possible to have an octave PortGroup ? That would make it easier to maintain several octave-forge modules in separate portfiles, I think.


Olivier Le Floch AKA Alakazam
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