On Aug 5, 2011, at 11:24, vincent habchi wrote:

> I’m back with the dragonegg(svn) port. As I explained before, this port needs 
> to be in perfect sync with llvm-devel (both SVN are constantly kept in 
> phase), so that if you update one, you must update the other.
> Now, it’s fairly easy in a way: it suffices to mark dragonegg dependent on 
> llvm-devel, so each time llvm-devel is updated, dragonegg should follow.

Well, just because someone updates llvm-devel, doesn't mean anything will 
happen with dragonegg. If it is necessary for a maintainer to update both of 
these ports at the same time, then you should add a comment to both portfiles 
reminding the maintainer to do that. I have such comments in 
graphviz/graphviz-gui/gvedit for example.

> But how to do it conversely? To wrap up: how to render two port dependent one 
> upon the other?

You don't, really. There's no way to force a user to upgrade a port anyway. The 
best you can do I think is keep the ports updated and working in the 
repository, and encourage users to "sudo port selfupdate && sudo port upgrade 
outdated" as we always do anyway.

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