Eric Cronin wrote:
> On Feb 16, 2012, at 2:10 PM, Jeremy Huddleston wrote:
>> Hi,
>> As many of you may have noticed, XCode 4.3 was released today.  The 
>> installation of XCode 4.3 is a bit different than previous releases and will 
>> require some updates to the macports installation wiki.
>> 1) For starters, XCode 4.3 is self contained in an app bundle.  You no 
>> longer need to go through an installer.  Just grab it from the App Store.
>> 2) After it finishes downloading, make sure you open before 
>> "jumping in" ... this will allow you to agree to the Terms Of Service to 
>> avoid errors if you try building a port that uses xcodebuild.  
>> 3) Since XCode is now an app, you no longer have the "UNIX Development" (or 
>> similar, I can never remember the exact naming) installed to / by the 
>> installer.  If you goto XCode's preferences, you will see a "Downloads" tab. 
>>  You should see it now listed in there as an optional download.  Also, I 
>> think XCode will notify you on launch if it sees an older toolchain 
>> installed to /, so you were probably be told about this when you did step 2 
>> anyways.
>> 4) Go about using MacPorts as normal ... 
>> 5) Report any bugs (including corrections to these instructions) that you 
>> find …
> The main problem I ran in to is that a number of our ports cache the compiler 
> they were built with internally (libtool, python, apr), and then a number of 
> other ports interrogate those first set of ports to get the paths of tools to 
> use, resulting in attempts to compile using /Developer/.../llvm-g*-4.2, which 
> no longer exists.  This is probably a bug with the dependent ports from a 
> MacPorts angle, since we want the compiler the Portfile/base specifies used, 
> not what 'apr-1-config --cc' returns.  Force reinstalling the ports caching 
> paths to the toolchain allowed the remaining ports to be built.  Some variant 
> of the migration upgrade steps is probably required to make sure nothing has 
> /Developer paths stored away…
> Thanks,
> Eric

How important is this release of XCode 4.3 if all you use XCode for is
compiling macports stuff ???

Bjarne D Mathiesen
København N ; Danmark ; Europa
denne besked er skrevet i et totalt M$-frit miljø
MacOS X 10.7.3 Lion ; 2.8GHz Intel Core i7 ; 16GB 1067MHz DDR3

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