On 2012-4-15 19:36 , Elmar Stellnberger wrote:
> Now; that hasn`t helped:
> root:/Applications> ln -s Utilities/Xcode.app/ .
> Ports simply seems to refuse any work as soon as you have installed a 
> different
> gcc like homebrew in the root path (xcode-select -switch /).

If you run 'xcode-select -switch /', /usr/bin/xcodebuild is going to
hang because it is a shell script that attempts to run

Yes, it's a bug that xcode-select lets you do that, or at least that the
xcodebuild script doesn't detect that condition and fail more
gracefully. Feel free to file another radar about it.

But anyway, as has been mentioned previously, MacPorts requires Xcode
including its command line tools. While that requirement may be relaxed
in future if the required work is done, it applies to all current
versions. So your setup using homebrew gcc is unsupported.

- Josh
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