> I think the git.branch can be used interchangeably: it's both a tag or a hash.

You mean having code that would look the following?

github.setup        williamh dotconf 1.3 v
github.branch       6382711e9b0060bbd0408df512e48b2ce9cdb3be #needs to
be the whole hash so livecheck will work

Which then will use the zip / tarball download by default

> I think setting livecheck.url to the RSS file and livecheck.regex to an 
> appropriate pattern should suffice.

One of my goals for this patch was to do this automatically (by
default) so that each port didn't have to monkey around with regexes.
The current patch has livecheck logic like:

if github.version.length = 40, then assume it's a "devel" port and
only check the rss feed for the first item's commit hash

Alternatively, the port group could use something like:

github.date 20120622

but then a new commit on the same day would fail to livecheck
(probably not a big deal). Unfortunately, this wouldn't work (unless
someone can come up with a fancy regex?) for a bitbucket port group
because the rss / atom date is given as "Fri, 27 Jan 2012" as seen


I wanted to try to keep the bitbucket and github port groups as
similar as possible.

> I think it's acceptable as long as its not HEAD and it works for the 
> maintainer. It could be an incrementing number, it can be a date, it can be 
> some version/date combo like you suggest. For PSPP-devel I use 
> ${version}-g${git.branch}.
>> Open question: what to do about projects that never version? Assign a
>> dummy version? Stick with just date?
> Up to the maintainer. No harm in doing your suggestion for 3 above.

So, how about (as for having a similar default for both github and bitbucket):

If version exists (how to check, though?): ${version}-${date}
else: ${date}
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