On Apr 22, 2012, at 16:35, Joshua Root wrote:

> WFM:
> % openssl sha1 1/file.tar 2/file.tar
> SHA1(1/file.tar)= 7937656d0860ca9286a24246a199cf2fddeb6e49
> SHA1(2/file.tar)= 7937656d0860ca9286a24246a199cf2fddeb6e49
> % gzip 1/file.tar
> % gzip 2/file.tar
> % openssl sha1 1/file.tar.gz 2/file.tar.gz
> SHA1(1/file.tar.gz)= 78020f5e126da22be27ac9eda2633db59b725480
> SHA1(2/file.tar.gz)= 78020f5e126da22be27ac9eda2633db59b725480
> Do your two input files also have identical timestamps?

Ah, you're right, they did not. Now I get the same sums, if both files have not 
only the same name but also the same timestamp.

So I guess what a service like bitbucket would have to do when it generates a 
tarball is to set its timestamp to the timestamp of the requested revision 
before gzipping it.

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